
Good Sunday Evening,

Busy start to the Week…and a new Semester Begins!

  • 20 – Safety Meeting @ 10:00am with the new Sheriff, Todd Ross in BR

  • 20 – Athletic Committee Meeting @ 6pm in BR – (Rescheduled)

  • 21 – BP meeting @ 9:00am in the BR

  • 21 – Finance Committee Meeting @ 10am

    • Consultant Presentation

    • Grant Presentation

    • Design Team Meeting via Zoom @ 11am

  • 21 – Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 3:45

  • 21 – BOE Training @ 5:30 in the BR

  • 22 – New BOE member Tour

  • 23 – Teacher Union Meeting @ 3:00 in the MS Conference Room

PreK Parent Survey Results:

Thank you for participating in the PreK survey. We are currently analyzing the data and will share the findings during our individual faculty meetings this month. Additionally, each school building will host an evening community meeting soon to discuss the specific changes planned for the next school year as a result of adding PreK.

As you may know, the district is thrilled to expand educational opportunities for the 2025–2026 school year by introducing two additional PreK sections at East Elementary. We understand the importance of engaging with our community and families throughout this process, and we look forward to sharing the survey results with you and continuing these important conversations.

Thank you for your support as we work together to enhance educational opportunities for our students.

Book Study – Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended last week’s book study meeting. After thoughtful discussion, we have decided to study the book Unfinished Teacher. I have placed the book order, and the copies should arrive soon so we can get started.

If you’re interested in participating but were unable to attend the meeting, please reach out to my assistant, Leanne, at She has the final participant list. Please note that we have budgeted for 20 participants this year, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The book Unfinished Teacher is co-authored by PJ Caposey, who will also be a guest speaker during our March 5th professional development afternoon. We hope this exciting opportunity will foster synergy between the book study and our upcoming PD session.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and engagement in this initiative!

We Need Your Input! Participate in Our Perception Surveys:

We are excited to announce the launch of our Perception Surveys for January! These surveys are an essential part of gathering feedback from our school community to help us identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. The deadline to participate is quickly approaching.

Survey Links and Deadlines
All surveys must be completed by January 31st at midnight.

Spencer S. Byrd, Ed. S

Quote for the Week: “If you cannot fly then run.  If you cannot run then walk.  If you cannot walk then crawl.  But, whatever you do, you must keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. – best known for his role in the American civil rights movement in the 1960’s and the use of non-violent protest methods.

Remainder of January:

  • 27 – New NCMC Advisor Meeting with EMC Students @ 11:00am

  • 27 – Cabinet Meeting in BR @ 1:00 (lunch @ 12:30)

  • 27 – BOE Meeting @ 6:30

  • 28 – BP Meeting - CANCELLED

  • 28/29 – Math Curriculum Work w/Molly & Kapeka

  • 29 – New Teacher meeting with Mrs. Duffton @ 3:20